Senin, 27 Juni 2011


COMMISSION FREE is a program based PAY PER LEAD (PPL), which means you paid for recruiting, which in this program we need your help to recruit members to our website and of course in return we have prepared the commission.
The program is funded by the Sponsor
so you can follow it
FREE Without Any Cost
With the system we use, we hope this site can be one alternative source of income for the people of Indonesia to supplement his income.

In order to more clearly direct course, makers of this program is to explain it, he was an exceptional young man and wanted the spirit of many successful people in this world. ok just click here 

Minggu, 26 Juni 2011


PTC stands for "Paid to Click" which means we get paid for every click on ads that we do. What We Click Ads? That ad is in the website provider PTC program. How to Apply Program PTC? PTC may be followed free of charge, we just signed up to the provider PTC programs that exist under this article. To mendaftarpun very easy for fill in the form provided. Usually contain usernames, passwords, emails and other supporting data. Justify PTC That Pay You?
We must be selective in choosing the PTC program, because there are some naughty diantarannya ie do not pay us when we request your earned money. Some traits that are not paying PTC PTC is promising a big payoff for the clicks that we do. There are PTC is offering $ 1 - $ 10 for each click. Logically just found out, what might the advertiser / publisher willing to pay that much just for viewing ads. PTC're actually paying a small fee usually provide for every click that we do. Usually between $ 0.01 - $ 0.05 or for local PTC between Rp 100 - Rp 500 for each click. How Many Ads Clicked? As much as we can, usually within one website provider PTC program, there are around 50-20 ad. How Long We Click Ads? Usually every ad that is clicked will open with a timer for 20-30 seconds. We are required to wait for the ad has loaded before clicking other ads. What is Pay What You Receive? 

Each ad PTC provides a variety of payment. On average they pay $ 0.01 or Rp 100 for each ad. Very small indeed, for it then we need to find referrals or friends to be invited to jointly click on ads. From every referral we receive between $ 0.0075 - $ 0.01 or for local PTC between Rp 50 - Rp 100. So when we click on ads referral in addition to referrals we get paid we as referees are also paid.

Examples of income for local PTC:
You click 10 ads per day = 10 x 100 = Rp. 1000
Your 40 referrals click 10 ads per day = 40 x 10 x 100 = Rp. 40 000
Your Daily Income = USD 41,000
Your weekly income = Rp. 287 000
Income in a month = Rp. 1.23 million
The above example is based only on 40 referrals and 10 daily clicks. What if you had more referrals? Though the ads there are more than 10 each day? What if you follow more than one PTC program. Stay count yourself how we can get.
Payments Through What to Do?
PTC usually for external payments made ​​via PayPal or AlertPay are for local PTC usually by bank transfer or via a virtual bank.
PTC worth you follow:




Senin, 20 Juni 2011


Why Make Money On The Internet
Make money on the internet is an activity that can be done by anyone.
Make money with the activities of this model, one need not have large warehouses
contains thousands of merchandise. Okay, if you want to open a store
online sometimes you need a stock of merchandise. However, we are not
will talk about opening an online store. We'll talk about techniques to make money in
Internet does not require any capital except the time, little
writing skills and internet access.
Make money on the internet allows people to work anywhere. handyman
make money on the internet does not need an office. All he needed was a computer
connected to the internet. No need to have your own computer, from any cafe
builders make money on the internet can do the activity. In fact, this time with
mobile phone can surf capital. Of course, with all its drawbacks
due to surf through the phone clearly different experience than
with the internet using a computer.
Internet promises tremendous revenue potential. Remember, the penetration
Internet in Indonesia is not yet reached 10%. Imagine if there are 50%
Indonesia's population is connected to the internet, of our revenue from
activities make money on the internet will increasingly enlarged as well. We must not forget
that where the internet penetration in Indonesia has reached 50% then in
United States, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Europe and Australia can
so penetration is about to reach 99%. The potential revenue we are getting
remarkable because as more people online on the internet
it will be the more people will click on ads that we
pairs on our blog.
Asyiikkkkk ....

Various How To Make Money On The Internet
There are several ways to make money on the internet ranging from knee aka capital
free and without any IT knowledge at all to the capital needs
money and high IT skills.
Dont mind to our discussion about how to make money that needs money and capital
high IT skills. We're talking just a way to make money on the internet that only
knee capital needs and no IT knowledge at all. This Blog
also not to his knowledge if you want to talk pake capital and
high IT skills. His name just a beginner ... hehehe!
Okay, then what are the ways to make money is capitalized, knee and without
IT knowledge that high?

1. Create a blog
2. Create a blog
3. Create a blog

Why 3 point make a blog all its contents?
Yes, because it is a way which is free and the easiest.
But the only make a blog?
Yes, baseball. After make a blog, you must sign up for some programs
monetasi blog in the form of PPC (pay per click) like Google AdSense, Text
Links Ads, Bidvertiser, etc.. Of course there are still many programs monetasi blogs
such as PTR (paid to review), CPM, Direct Advertising, etc.. However, we are here
PPC will only talk alone. PPC was also special that is Google AdSense.


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